Tropfest: Ready, set…

After all of the tumult that Tropfest went through just trying to remain afloat for 2016, there were always going to be questions about the viability of the short film festival for the coming years. After CGU’s self-congratulatory television commercials promoting how they ‘saved Tropfest‘, things have gone quiet about entries for 2017.


The TSI is the Tropfest Signature Item, that filmmakers are required to put into their entry at some point to prove that it was made specifically for Tropfest. It’s mid-June and still there has been no word about what the TSI is, although there was some movement on the Tropfest Facebook page, which was hitherto a ghost town when it came to new information.

Screenshot 2016-06-19 12.41.04

So, ruling out Tropfest being pregnant, it would appear that in two more weeks we will have our TSI. Not that any of the winning entries over the last few years have made the TSI a major part of the story.

Now we wait, before organising a story, script, locations, crew, actors, budget and time for post. For some reason, Tropfest is going to feel more like the 48 hour film challenge this year.

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