
Tropfest 2015 – We Didn’t Make It

We got our entry in for Tropfest with minutes to spare. The adrenaline, the excitement, the nearly punching the Mac Book Pro as the deadline loomed. Ahhhh, fun times.tropfest

Then, after a couple of weeks, the dreaded email comes.

“Hi Damian,

Thank you for submitting your film ’Narrators’ to Tropfest Australia 2015 this year. Unfortunately, your film has not been selected as part of the shortlisted group this year.

We encourage you to enter your film into as…”

You get the picture.

Well, there’s not an ounce of quit in me. It’s time for the nine minute edit to get some love. The seven minute Tropfest cut was admittedly very quick and I don’t think it brought the best out of the story.

I always watch Tropfest, and will be keenly interested again this year. Our entries from the past two year have had actors from previous Tropfest finalists (and a winner) and we will endeavour to keep creating and producing until we make the final.

Seven minutes have never been so important to me.

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