More Best Filmmaking Podcasts

Following on from a previous post about the best podcasts to listen to in your spare time, I have added a couple that are unmissable.

Director’s NotesIp75SAcu_400x400

Head on over to Director’s Notes and have a listen to MarBelle interview a vast assortment of filmmakers from around the globe, making a VERY diverse range of films.

Making Movies is HardilT4RVqr_400x400

Making Movies is Hard (MMIH) is a weekly gem, with Timothy and Alrik discussing a whole heap of filmmaking things. They interview people intermittently but mostly it’s about their projects and issues, and it’s actually quite interesting.

My Dad Wrote a Pornofu-Bav8c_400x400

It is absolutely essential that everyone starts listening to My Dad Wrote a Porno. It is the single most funny podcast in the history of podcasts. I won’t give anything away, suffice to say that it is NSFW and some of the worst writing ever perpetrated.



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