Injuries, a Forfeit and a Rescheduled Shoot Day

Our first day of shooting for The Trebek Technique was planned for Saturday the 15th, with a football match between Frankston and Seaford women’s teams. Due to an extensive injury list, the Seaford Tigers had to pull out of the match at the last minute (well, at 9pm on the night before!), which scuppered our plans for the day.

Women’s Football

The scenes for the women’s football are central to the main story, although they only represent a small portion of the overall script. We were looking forward to getting a bit of match action filmed as well as some of our narrative scenes, and as it turned out, the day turned out beautifully weatherwise! The Frankston team have been very supportive and we are looking forward to taking up the opportunity again very soon.

Back On The Horse

The day off from shooting gave us a chance to review some of our plans for the other shoot days, so we were able to turn Seaford’s forfeit into a positive. There are still plenty of tasks that require organising, even for a 15-minute short film.

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