In The Pipeline – Update

We’ve got a few projects currently in development, so it’s probably time for a status update for all of them.

Babysitter Massacre ’78

Babysitter Massacre ’78 is currently still in the adaptation phase from the fantastic stage play that it is based on from weARE Productions in Chicago. With a total run time of around 75 minutes, Babysitter requires only two or three main locations, although to make it really pop, it’s going to need:

  • A whole heap of 1970s set decorationweAREproductions
  • Half a dozen talented early-twentysomethings who can sing, dance (and act)
  • A band to lay down all of the music


The fun part of filmmaking is the production side, and bringing everything together for this one will be hard, but rewarding. We will be pushing forward with everything but won’t roll one camera until the script is as polished as it can get and proper funding is in place.

Storm in a Double D CupStorm Lookbook

Also still in rewrite phase, Storm is a funny and charming six-part, 1/2 hour series by Tracy Bock.

I absolutely adore this story and it has grown and developed really nicely.

A couple of more passes of the script will have it ready to get into the pre-production / line producer phase and get closer to getting it started. It deserves to be made.


Ridgeway is another six-part, 1/2 hour series that has had a few rewrites and polishes, but is now ready for it’s next major change…

Having watched (and enjoyed) various web series such as Daniel Krige’s The Agent, I think that Ridgeway would benefit from the same treatment, turning each episode into a distinct series of five, six minute webisodes.Ridgeway 1

Ridgeway will be the one that Elfenshot will concentrate on as the next production to push forward with. The first episode (now season one) is loaded with locations, scenes and cast, so if we can pull it all off and learn from it we
can intersperse production for subsequent seasons with our other projects.

We’d like to get everything happening for the start of the new year.

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    Babysitter Massacre ’78: A Musical
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