Vampires, Zombies, Human Centipedes, and Torture porn. The things that scare and intrigue people changes over time, and we are keen to make a horror / thriller short film of our own.

Horror Movie Short

The scariest stories are definitely ones that involve an element of realism. The Starling / Lecter first engagement in The Silence of the Lambs remains one of the scariest exchanges that I can recall, and no blood was drawn nor did a single zombie smash through a wall.


Luther (BBC)

If you want to have the wits scared out of you, hunt down Luther S3E1. Without even knowing who you are, I’ll bet that you check under the bed before you go to sleep for at least a couple of nights after watching it. A home invasion by a psychopath is my idea of not having a good time.








Our Take

Our short will be ten minutes, and the worst part with a thriller is that you never know if the good guy is going to win.

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