Best Filmmaking Podcasts

Spending a ton of time in the car every day gives me the chance to listen to podcasts from every genre.

There are dozens of high quality podcasts for those interested in filmmaking, but in my opinion the best three are:

  • Go Creative Show
  • Scriptnotes
  • On The Page


Go Creative Showgo-creative-podcast-art-300

Ben Consoli puts out one of the best podcasts for filmmakers, covering the technical aspects of new equipment and trade shows and mixing it with interviews with filmmaking professionals.


John August and Craig Mazin put out a weekly screenwriting podcast that is a must-listen. Their show is a combination of information for working as a screenwriter, advice for those working on material and interviews.

On The Pagecover170x170

Pilar Alessandra’s On The Page features a weekly interview with a working screenwriter and offers insight and advice into how scripts develop.


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