Who is in control of one’s body? Is it the individual? Is it the state?

‘Apprev’ is in the early stages of pre-production, with a 24 page script. Apprev (Approved Reversal) examines what affects an overly-patriarchal agenda can have on its members by reversing what we commonly understand as normal.

With a male lead, Apprev is predominantly female, with significant roles for three female actors, and secondary speaking roles for a further six. Apprev will also test Elfenshot’s casting abilities, as we will be on the lookout for a 12 – 14 year old male to also play a significant role.

Artwork, location scouting, further script development, funding, and crew assembly for department heads are all due to begin for production in the second half of 2019.

The 24 page length puts Apprev into ‘No-Man’s-Land’ as a length for film festivals, but the story in any other form would not deliver what we are looking for. As things progress, we’ll have to see what happens to the length. 15 minutes may still be possible…

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